Monday, December 2, 2019

Turmeric Can Improve Your Health Like Nothing Else – Here Are The Best 7 Ways To Use It

Turmeric is an incredible spice which has been used since ancient times. It has even been mentioned in the Bible – when Jesus was gifted gold, frankincense and myrrh, the gold probably referred to turmeric. Ayurvedic medicine has been using this powerful spice for centuries thanks to its incredible properties.

Turmeric can be used as both a spice and a natural remedy against various ailments. It has been given to kings against poisoning, and has been frequently used as a blood cleaner. However, the spice has been accepted into Western medicine only recently even besides the fact that natural medicine has been using it for centuries.

Every year, more than 40 000 new toxic materials are discovered in different chemical products and the environment as well. These toxins can significantly harm our health and damage organs such as the kidneys, liver and heart. Luckily, turmeric can counter these harmful effects and keep your body clean.

Health benefits of turmeric

In recent times, we have been constantly bombarded with toxins which can take a toll on our health. Turmeric can neutralize the toxic effects of the environment and commercial products, and you only need to incorporate it in your diet. Here are the main properties of turmeric:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Herbicide;
  • Antiulcer;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anticancer;
  • Antiviral;
  • Insecticide;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Antiallergenic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Fungicide;

Here’s what turmeric can do for your health:

Improves your gut health

Almost 95% of the hormones are present in the gut which is why it’s important to keep it healthy. Turmeric can protect your gut and boost its function.

Improves your mental health

Several studies have shown that turmeric is incredibly beneficial for your mental health. The spice has shown that it’s effective against depression, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and dyskinesia thanks to its neuroprotective properties.

Relieves inflammation

Consuming turmeric regularly can soothe inflammation throughout your body and relieve the effects of most inflammatory diseases.

Here are 6 ways to add turmeric in your diet:

Golden milk


1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

¼ teaspoon of ginger powder

¼ cup of water

¼ teaspoon of vanilla powder

2 teaspoons of honey

A cup of almond milk

A pinch of cinnamon powder

A pinch of clove powder

A pinch of cardamom


Put all the ingredients in a pot and simmer them for a minute, then drink the beverage warm.

Turmeric scramble

This one’s easy – make scrambled eggs and add a pinch of turmeric in.

Turmeric smoothie


1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

1 teaspoon of maca root

1 teaspoon of hemp seeds

1 ½ cup of almond or coconut milk

1 ½ cup of mango or pineapple slices

2 tablespoons of coconut flakes

A pinch of black pepper


Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a homogenous mixture. Drink the smoothie right away.

Turmeric kefir

Put a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a cup of kefir and drink it fresh.

Turmeric juice shot


1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

½ a lemon

A pinch of sea salt


Squeeze the lemon in a glass, then add the sea salt and turmeric and drink the beverage.

Turmeric tea


½ a teaspoon of fresh chopped turmeric

A cup of hot water

A pinch of black pepper

A bit of lime juice


Boil the turmeric in the water, then add the other ingredients, leave the tea to cool down, strain it and enjoy.

Thanks for reading Turmeric Can Improve Your Health Like Nothing Else – Here Are The Best 7 Ways To Use It

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