Age spots are more common on the face area, limbs, shoulders and hands. These are likely to multiply as you grow old, which is where they got their name from. Large, brown spots are one of the first signs of the unavoidable aging process.
The first thing you should understand it the ‘origin’ of your brown spots, and determine whether you can find a proper way to prevent their occurrence.
In this article we will explain why brown spots appear, what effect they can possibly have on your health and what are the best ways to remove / prevent them.
What triggers the appearance of age spots?
Excessive exposure to sunlight and UV rays are some of the major contributors to the occurrence of brown spots, regardless of whether you like tanning without any sunscreen on or prefer using a tanning bed. There is nothing good about an intense UV exposure.
The more you like tanning, the quicker melanin appears in your body. Melanin is what you see when you spend some time in the sun, and it is ‘the thing’ that makes your skin dark and chocolatey.
Your tan will disappear, but you will see brown splotches on the very same skin areas that have been mostly exposed to sun. It is the melanin that has been overactive in these skin areas, and ugly age spots are the only result you will be left with.
Can age spots harm health?
Yes. Of course, it does not necessarily mean that every age spot will turn into cancer, but there are several aspects you may want to keep in mind:
- Observe your age spots, and see if they are different in color, especially if some are much darker than others
- Look for any funky borders around the spots
- Pay special attention to any growing or changing spot
- If you notice that your brown spots have become red or tender, consult your doctor as soon as possible
Take the “ABCDE’s of Melanoma” test to eliminate every doubt. It is a nice way to determine if your spots go in the direction they are not supposed to.
Get rid of your age spots
You can use a really simple trick to get those spots off your skin.
Try out simple juice solution made from two basic ingredients. It will only take you a few minutes to prepare it. Check the video below and see what makes this solution that good for you.
Fresh onion juice and organic apple cider vinegar will do wonders to your skin. Onion juice is a traditional home remedy for skin scarring. Antioxidants in onions reduce free radical damage, and thus protect the outer skin layer.
Alpha hydroxyl acids in apple cider vinegar act as natural exfoliants and what they do is remove dead skin layers. Combine these two, and you will be amazed with the way your skin looks and feels.
Anti-age spot mixture
- Dice a fresh onion. Transfer the bits into a Ziploc bag and pulverize them using a blunt surface.
- Next, use your blender to process the onion with half a cup of organic apple cider vinegar. You are looking for a smooth texture.
- Soak a cotton ball in the resulting mixture and apply it directly on your age spots. For optimal results, this every day for 2-4 weeks.
Is there any way to prevent age spots?
Yes, if you tend to spend the rest of your life at home, and you know that it is not possible, because we all need a bit of sunlight.
But, you can prevent the occurrence of large spots by calculating the time you spend out in the sun. Wear long-sleeved shirts and comfy pants whenever you can, and DO NOT FORGET to use your sunscreen.
Your skin needs sunscreen in winter as well. Even when you spend a minute in the sun. Always use sunscreen! Stay away from tanning beds. These may give you the tan you dream off, but they will also damage your skin.
And once again, consult your doctor about any suspicious spots.